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they rode on a purple dinosaur

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1mo ago

Jonas finally got to Elsewhere by following the river and traveling through the forest with Gabriel. They endured harsh weather conditions and obstacles, but ultimately found a sled at the bottom of a hill that led them to the boundary of Elsewhere where they were able to cross over.

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6y ago

how did Jonas finally get to elsewhere

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What did Jonas hear as he entered Elsewhere in the giver?

As Jonas entered Elsewhere in "The Giver," he heard music playing and children laughing. It was a stark contrast to the controlled and emotionless environment he had left behind in the community.

What happens to Jonas and Gabe at the end of the story in The Giver book?

At the end of the story Jonas and Gabe reach elsewhere

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Asher told Jonas the story about how someone applied to get out of the community and go to elsewhere

What cliffhanger is there in The Giver?

In "The Giver" by Lois Lowry, the cliffhanger involves Jonas leaving his community in search of Elsewhere, uncertain of what lies ahead and the fate of his loved ones back home. The ending is ambiguous and leaves readers wondering about the outcome of his journey and the impact on the society he left behind.

What is the Cliffhanger in the giver?

There is not really a cliffhanger just a very unclear ending that makes you think. The ending never specifies whether Jonas and Gabriel find elsewhere. It leaves you wondering if Jonas is slipping into a memory or if he as actually found Elsewhere.

What did Jonas think a release was in The Giver?

Jonas initially believed that a release was a beautiful ceremony where individuals were sent to Elsewhere to live happily. He later discovers that release is actually the term for euthanasia, where individuals are killed.

Who was the child Jonas saves in The Giver?

The child that Jonas saves in "The Giver" is Gabriel, a baby who is scheduled to be released because he is not developing according to the community's standards. Jonas takes Gabriel with him when he leaves the community in search of Elsewhere.

Where does Jonas go when the giver sends him away?

Jonas flees the community after receiving memories from the Giver. He ventures into Elsewhere, leaving the community behind to seek a better life.

What are jonas's journeys in The Giver?

In "The Giver," Jonas embarks on a physical journey when he runs away from the society to save himself from release, seeking a better life elsewhere. He also goes on an emotional journey as he gains wisdom and understanding about the world beyond his controlled community. Ultimately, Jonas's journey leads him to make a selfless decision to share memories and emotions with the community.

Is Kevin Jonas still going to do Jonas?

No anyway they canceled the show a while ago after joe finally told Stella he loved her

The giver -What does jonas's dad say when a baby is released?

That they go elsewhere, he never mentions that the child gets murdered.

What holiday did Jonas and gabriel experience when approaching the elsewhere?

They were in December becuase it says that it was snowing. Also i do think they reached Elsewhere because the wheather was changing and in the community the wheather stays the same. Also i think they reached elsewhere becuase in another book they show up again.