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I suppose it's really because things were very different then. In ancient Egypt people could become pharoahs at as young as nine. So I guess, really, if we're considering the story complete and utter fact, it was just because things were just so different.

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Merlin told Uther that Uther would be dead soon after Arthur was born and many would try to get rid of Arthur the rightful heir to the throne who was just born . to prevent this king Uther gave Arthur to Merlin who gave it to an extremly trusted knight named sir Ector ( also known as the trustworthy knight )who took care of Arthur for eighteen years until arthur pulled the sword out of the anvil.

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it was wart

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Q: How did King Arthur become king at his age of 15?
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What age did King Arthur become king?

King Arthur live about 22464years ago hello people.

How is King Arthur a hero?

buy dog food with lettuce and tomato and mustard"(:

What is 'The Order of the Bear'?

The 'Order of the Bear' is a secret society established in the times of King Arthur. They believe that Arthur and his Knights will reincarnate to bring the world out of turmoil. The group is so secret that a fiction writer had to expose and popularize them. That way, nobody would actually believe that they are real, which would erode their element of surprise when the reincarnation happens.

Who wrote 'A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court'?

Samuel Langhorne Clemens (November 30, 1835 - April 21, 1910) , well known for his pen name "Mark Twain", wrote the book "A Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's Court" in 1889 in the United States. ..An American author and a humorist, he was born in Florida , Missouri and died in Redding, Connecticut at the age of 74 of a heart attack. ..He is believe to be buried in his wife's family plot at Woodlawn Cemetery in Elmira, New York .

What had made King Arthur a great king?

King Arthur was gay. he accomplished many many things ONE of them were that He an his knights of the round table( King Arthur, Sir Lancelot, Sir Gawain, Sir Geraint, Sir Gareth, Sir Gaheris, Sir Gaheris, Sir Bedivere, Sir Galahad, Sir Kay, Sir Boris de Ganis, Sir lamorak, Sir Tristain, an Sir Percivale.led the defense of Britain against Saxon invaders in the 6th century and he also accomplshed a war that happened but not this warz LA LA LA!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

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He became king at age 8 and died at age 19. Short life huh.

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At what age did Tutankhamun become king?

the time he became king was when he was 9

What age did Arthur become king?

The stories really never specify his age, only saying that he is young and still a boy. The implication is usually that he is in his mid to late teens.

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Why and when did Henry VIII become king?

Henry VIII of England became king on April 21st, 1508, following the death of his father, Henry VII. He became heir to the throne after his brother, Arthur, died at the age of 20 in 1502. Henry would go on to marry Arthur's widow, Catherine of Aragon.