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Q: How did King James 2 restrict the colonies rights?
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How did king James second restrict the colonists' rights?

He whipped them to death and made the get on leashes

Which king cancelled all charters that existed in the colonies?

King James II

What is the difference between the declaration of independence and the US bill of rights?

The Declaration declares the colonies free from the rule of the King and sets out why the colonies should leave the king. The Bill of Rights lists 10 rights that people have. Most of the rights listed come from the experiences before the revolution of dealing with a king and absolute rule.

How did England impose political control over the colonies?

King james

Who was the English king who granted the charter for Jamestown?

The charter of 1606 was issued by King James I to the Virginia Company.

What are the Two companies That king James granted charters for land in north America?

King James chartered a few colonies in North America.

How did king georges reaction to the declaratoin of rights between Britain and the colonies?

Showed Colonists That The King Would Not Listen To Reason !

How did the colonies and parliament compromise after King James fell?

i dont know sorry

Why did King James II found North Carolina?

Because of the establishments of other colonies

Which actions proved that King George was being a despot?

He denied the rights of self - government for the colonies, and displayed unlimited power which angered the 13 colonies.

Why did Thomas Jefferson list the ways why king George the 3 had violated the rights of colonies?

Thomas Jefferson was listing the ways that King George had violated the rights of Americans to convince them to join the patriots.

Why did Jefferson think the colonies should not obey king George?

Because he was raising taxes and not giving them rights.