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Mark Twain and his friends were impressed by the boy's ambitions and determination to become an apprentice engineer. They admired his dedication to learning a trade and saw him as a hardworking and focused individual. Twain often celebrated the perseverance and ingenuity of young people pursuing their passions.

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Q: How did Mark Twain and his friends feel about the boy who became an apprentice engineer?
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What device is Twain using when he says the boy who became an apprentice engineer was exalted to his eminence?

Mark Twain is using hyperbole in this statement to emphasize the boy's achievements as an apprentice engineer. By describing the boy as being "exalted to his eminence," Twain is exaggerating to convey the idea that the boy's status and accomplishments were raised to a very high level.

What device is Twain using when he says the boy who became an apprentice engineer was exalted to this eminence?

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What are three jobs by Mark Twain?

Mark Twain had a variety of jobs including: pilot, assistant at a print shop and writer. He is widely known for his prose. He was a reporter, a soldier, and a riverboat pilot. At the age of 12, Mark Twain became a printer's apprentice. He worked as a printer in Philadelphia, New York City, Cincinnati, and St. Louis. In 1859, Twain received his license to pilot a steamboat and through this occupation developed his pen name. Twain briefly worked as a miner in the town of Virginia City, Nevada.

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Mark Twain when did he left school?

well mark twain actually left school when he was in the fith grade and he was at the age of 12 he left because his father had died so yes mark twain's father died when mark twain was 12 two so i guess two ansers or a few answers in one :^)

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Mark Twain was one of her close friends

Did mark twain use to finanance and hang around with Nikola Tesla?

Tesla and Twain were good and close friends.

Who were Mark Twain's inventor friends?

Mark Twain was very interested in the typewriter.

For how long did Twain serve as apprentice pilot?

Sam Clemens worked on steam boats. I am not sure he ever received a license to pilot them. If that is what you are asking the answer is none. BUT! Isaiah Sellers was a steam boat captain. One of te Mississippi's finest we are told. He is credited, by S. Clemens, to be the first person to use the name Mark Twain as a writer. He was a captain on the Mississippi for many years. HOWEVER! No record of any of his writing being publish are around any longer. Did I add any mud to the clarity you were asking to obtain on this question?