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Basically it is because of their geographic location. Because both civilizations lived near rivers which fertilized the land around them farmers were able to grow more food than they needed leading to a food surplus. this meant that not everyone had to be a farmer giving rise to classes of craftsmen and merchants as well as trade. trade provided people with the oppurtunity to gain influence and those who were successful formed the ruling class. trade also meant that the civilations began to grow in both wealth and complexity. as the Egyptian and mesopotamian city states grew and become more complex and needed an organized government. because the people who had grown rich from trade had gained influence they became the ruling class and eventually some of them became kings who had enough poewer to create law codes and divine kingdoms

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Hammurabi started the concept of laws in Mesopotamia. Divine kingship just comes from the concept of a leader. This existed before the civilizations started in nomadic tribes. The ideas of laws was always there too. Hammurabi was just the first one to actually write them out. There were always things that people couldn't do and would be punished for doing.

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Q: How did Mesopotamian and Egyptian city-states develop concepts of law codes and divine kingship?
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