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Q: How did Millard Fillmore family act around him?
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Who was Millard fillmore and what did he do?

Millard Fillmore was the 13th President of the United States. He was most famous for his involvement in the transcontinental railroad, and his involvement in the Kansas-Nebraska Act of 1850.

What is Millard Fillmore's most important contribution?

fugitive slave act

What is Millard Fillmore known for?

Millard Fillmore is known for getting California into the union as a free state. He is also known for the Fugitive Slave Act and his efforts to open Japan up to western trade. He is also credited for the Compromise of 1850.

Did Millard Fillmore sign the fugitive slave act?

in an attempt to keep the Northern Whigs in check, but this was simply not enough.

Who signed the fugitive slave act the helped worsen the tensions that led to the civil war?

That would be Millard Fillmore.

Why did Millard Fillmore sign the Fugitive Slave act?

in an attempt to keep the Northern Whigs in check, but this was simply not enough.

What is some of the failures of Millard Fillmore?

Millard Fillmore is the 13th President of the United States. His major failures, according to some historians, are: signing of the Fugitive Slave Act into Law and by not providing a strong leadership for the Whig Party.

What legacy did Millard Fillmore left behind?

Millard Fillmore's legacy is mixed. While he played a role in preserving the Union by pushing for the Compromise of 1850, which temporarily eased tensions between the North and the South, he is also criticized for supporting the Fugitive Slave Act. Fillmore's presidency is generally considered uninspiring and his policies on slavery are seen as contributing to the escalating tensions that led to the Civil War. Overall, his legacy is one of controversy and limited impact.

What did Millard Fillmore do during his presidency?

He signed the Compromise of 1850 which kept America from a civil war for a decade. He also added California to the Union as a free state. Millard Fillmore unfortunately enacted the Slave Act which denied slaves the right to a trial.

What groups did Millard Fillmore anger?

Fillmore angered the abolitionists and other anti-slavery groups in the North, by the Fugitive Slave Act, which was part of the Compromise of 1850. This compromise was engineered by Henry Clay. It was opposed by Fillmore's predecessor, Taylor.

Who signed the Fugitive slave Act?

Millard Filmore

What made Millard Fillmore famous?

Millard Filmore was the 13th man to hold the office of President of the United States, and the last member of the Whig Party to be president. He was not elected president, he was elected Zachary Taylor's Vice President and became President when Taylor died.