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Q: How did Neville Chamberlain view the signing of the Munich Pact?
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According to britains Neville chamberlain what did the munich pact preserve?


Which british prime minister signed the Munich Pact?

Neville Chamberlain.

British prime minister who accepted munich pact?

Neville Chamberlain.

Who was the british prime minister negotiating the munich pact?

Neville Chamberlain

Why did nevile chamberlain sign the munich pact?

Neville Chamberlain signed the Munich Pact to avoid war.

Who appeased Hitler in the Munich Pact?

Arthur Neville Chamberlain, the British Conservative Prime Minister.

British prime minister signed the munich pact?

This was Sir Neville Chamberlain, in 1938- he believed that Hitler would invade no further countries after the Third Reich annexed Austria and Czechoslovakia, but was forced to declare war on Germany when Hitler invaded Poland on 3rd September 1939.

What role did it play in the singing of the Munich pact?

I believe you meant signing, the munich pact was not sang.

Why did Neville chamberlain surrport policy of appeasement?

because he sacrificed the Sudetenland to preserve peace with Germany (Munich Pact). But it just postponed the war for 11 months.

Which British prime minister signed a pact with Germany in 1938 allowing them to extend into Czechoslovakia?

Neville Chamberlain, who was PM from 1937-May 1940.

Which World War 2 figure signed the Munich Agreement as a diplomatic effort to stop Adolf Hitler's plans for empire building in exchange for Germany's annexation of part of Czechoslovakia?

The Munich Pact (September 1938) was signed by British prime minister Neville Chamberlain and French prime minister Edouard Daladier, along with Hitler and his Italian ally Benito Mussolini. The pact gave Germany control of Czechoslovakia and failed to deter Hitler from invading Poland in September 1939.

What did nevile chamberlain say the munich pact had preserved?

"peace in our time"