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Q: How did Northern an southern states compromised on the slave trade by?
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How are northern and southern different?

The North were free states and the South were slave states.

What divided the northern free states from southern slave states?

The Mason &-Dickson line

What did the slave trade compromise do for the southern and northern states?

agreeing not to end the slave trade for at least 20 years

What did the northern and southern economies have in common in the 1800s?

The Northern wanted to be a new and free state with no slave labor. On the other hand the southern wanted the new states to be slaved states.

What did the northern states gain by agreeing to postpone a vote on ending the slave trade?

The northern states sacrifice to postpone a vote on ending the slave trade gained the southern states to aggree on the three-fiths compromise.

Why was the fugitive slave act so important to southern slave holder?

The fugitive slave act allowed southern slave holders to reclaim escaped slaves who had made their way to freedom in the northern states

Why has racial tension been more prevalent in the southern states of the US?

This is due to the significant history of slave ownership in the southern states, that was not part of the culture of the northern states.

Why were the northern states angry with the southern states?

Because the southern states wished to secede on the grounds that they were fed up being pushed around by the highly populated, urbanised northern states. Slave issues. And different views on politics

Who drew the color line between blacks and whites in the south?

That was drawn because the southern states were slave states and the northern states were not.

Definition of land ordinance of 1785?

The Land Ordinance of 1785 was used to separate the slave states or "southern states from the non-slave states or "northern states." Hope this helped. From your friend.... Raven Xerxes.

Where did the emancipation proclomation happen?

It applied to the Southern states (over which Lincoln had no authority) and not to the Northern slave states of Kentucky, Missouri and Maryland.

What did the northern states do that upset the southern states?

Made it difficult to create new slave-states, so the South always got outvoted in Congress.