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Q: How did Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company get around laws that?
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How did Rockefeller and the Standard Oil Company get around laws that forbade companies in one state from underselling or doing business in other states?

they developed the idea of creating trust

What is a synonym for the Rockefeller drug laws?

There is no synonym for the Rockefeller drug laws as such, but it would be descriptive to call them draconian (meaning extraordinarily severe).

Did john d Rockefeller break any laws to get richer?

Rockefeller didn't break any laws, however, many laws and regulations were made because of him later during the industrial revolution

How long has the Kosher company been around for?

Kosher is not a company, but rather a set of Jewish dietary laws. The label "kosher" is applied to any food which is manufactured in accordance with these laws.

Why did some American big businesses threaten the free enterprise?

So that they would not be threatened and make more money themselves Before there were government organizations such as the SEC, (securities and exchange commission ), the Federal Reserve Bank of NY, and anti trust laws regarding various business regulations, some large US Industries came close to monopolizing various areas of the economy. One example of this were the business activities of John D. Rockefeller. Not to single this man out or discredit him in any way, I use him of an example of what I believe the question infers. Here then is an example of how a large company, created within the free enterprise system, came close to help undermine the very system that allowed Rockefeller to prosper which are as follows: A. Rockefeller's main company was the Standard Oil Company; B. Along with partners, Rockefeller, bought more oil refineries and the railroads connecting them together and to marketing regions; C. In 1872, Standard Oil bought 20 other oil related companies; D. Based on his aggressive business tactics, which at the time were legal, Rockefeller created a Standard Oil Trust, which housed the majority of the oil businesses in America; and E. Base on the 1890 Sherman Anti trust Act, a Federal Court ordered that the Rockefeller Trust needed to divest itself of companies that effectively monopolized the oil industry in America.

What did John d Rockefeller get accused of being?

Critics accused Rockefeller of engaging in unethical practices, such as predatory pricing and colluding with railroads to eliminate his competitors, in order to gain a monopoly in the industry. In 1911, the U.S. Supreme Court found Standard Oil in violation of anti-trust laws and ordered it to dissolve. During his life Rockefeller donated more than $500 million to various philanthropic causes. He was accused of being rich but that became true. GOOD LUCK!!

Who was the first black male billionaire?

Based on the profits of the Standard Oil Company of New Jersey, John D. Rockefeller became the billionaire in the United States. He retained his wealth, however, in 1911, his new company called the Standard OIl Trust, was found to be in violation of various new antitrust laws and he divested much of the Trust into smaller companies which were sold.

Are there any laws against monopolies?

Yes, the Sherman anti-trust act of 1890 prohibited monopolies. This was a reaction to a contemporary controversy about the Standard Oil Company of Ohio maneuvering around state laws in order to form its own trust. This act put an end to companies being able to maneuver around laws like that. While other laws prohibited the means of achieving a monopoly, this act prohibited having a monopoly.

What are different laws in measurements?

One of the different laws in measurement is that the scale used has to be standard. Moreover, there are three standard units, the second, kilogram, and the meter.

How did Rockefeller use trusts to avoid Ohio laws against horizontal integration?

In a trust, a board of trustees controls the stock of several companies

What is a company doing if it requires customers to buy multiple products from that company to obtain the one product that the customer truly wants?

working around antitrust laws to gain control on the market

How did john Rockefeller use trusts to avoid Ohio laws against horizontal integration?

In a trust, a board of trustees controls the stock of several companies