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The Romans adopted the three Greek orders (styles) of columns: Dorian, Ionic and Corinthian. They also developed the composite order, which combined elements of two orders.

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Q: How did Romans adapt columns in temples constuction?
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How did emperor Justinian adapt roman law for use by the byzantines?

Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.

Why would the Romans have adapted their religion to the religions of the people they conquered?

The Romans found that they had the same deities only named differently. There was really no adaption necessary, except that the Romans used Roman names for the gods instead of the Greek names.

How did the Romans adapt to environment?

They built roads, traded along the Mediterranean Sea and farmed grapes and olives

What five ways did the ancient rome adapt to their environment?

Romans took great pride in their extensive water distribution and sewage networks.

How Rome adopted and adapted Greek culture?

It is hard to tell how the Romans adapted Greek styles to suit their needs. The main feature was how deeply they were influenced by the Greeks of southern Italy in their archaic (early) period and the Greeks of mainland Greece in their classical period. With regard to architecture and sculpture there was a fusion of Greek styles, existing Roman traditions and artistic influence from other peoples who lived in the Roman Empire. The Romans developed into a multicultural people how were happy to be influenced by the peoples they came into contact with. Greek influence started very early on in Roman history. The Greeks established colonies (settlements) in southern Italy in the 8th and 7th century BC. Being a more advanced civilisation, their arrival had a big impact on all the Italic peoples they came in contact with during the archaic (early) period. This led to the adoption and adaptation of the western Greek alphabet by all Italic peoples, including the Latins (the Romans were Latins). Greek motifs for pottery decoration and Greek architectural styles were adopted by the Etruscans. Etruscan civilisation arose out of trade with and influence by these Greeks in what has been called the orientalising period. Recent archaeological evidence has shown that the archaic Latins were also involved in this process and that there was influence from the Greeks of Cumae (a Greek city near Naples) as well as the Etruscans. This is not surprising as both were neighbours. In the 6th century BC the Romans started using the books of the Sibylline who were Greek oracles, some of whom lived in Cumae in Italy. Greek influence on the Romans continued past the archaic period. During the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) they 'imported' Cybele (whom they called Magna Mater, Great Mother) a Greek goddess because the sibylline oracles said that with this Rome could defeat Carthage. The Romans also adopted the Greek god Apollo, who was an oracular god; that is he was the god of the oracles. Influence from the Greeks of mainland Greece increased. By the time the Romans became involved in mainland Greece in the third century BC, the Roman elites had already become Hellenised (absorbed Greek culture). The elites looked up to the Greeks. Their education was both in Latin and Greek and they were fluent in Greek. The highest stage in their education was a stay in Greece to study Greek philosophy. The earliest educators in Rome were Greeks. In Rome there were Greek libraries as well as Latin ones. The Romans adopted some Greek gods and linked their gods to the Greek ones. They also absorbed much of Greek mythology. Roman architecture and sculpture were based on Greek models; hence the term Greco-Roman art, and Greek artists were highly praised in Rome.

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Did you adapt the alphabet from the Greeks?

No. The ancient Romans adapted it.

What ethical reasoing doe the following quote resembleWhen in Rom do as the Romans do?

The expression w'hen in Rome do as the Romans do' refers to the need to adapt to the local customs when you are abroad.

What does when in rome do as the Romans imply?

It means to adapt and blend in with your surroundings. To follow the local customs and not try to impose your customs on the host country.

How did emperor Justinian adapt roman law for use by the byzantines?

Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.

How did Justinian adapt roman law for use by the byzantines?

Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.

What statement describes Rome's attitude towards people of different religions in the empire?

Ancient Romans let people to keep their own religions when they conquered new lands. That made the conquered people easier to adapt to the Roman culture. Romans built temples for their own gods in the provinces, but they let people to worship their original gods as well. Only after Christianity became the state religion, they started to keep other religions pagan and finally forbid them. Christianity was more intolerant than other religions before it.

How emperor Justinian adapted roman law for use by the byzantines?

Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.Justinian did not adapt Roman law. He, or his legal advisers, consolidated the existing laws. In other words, he put them in order and eliminated the irrelevant ones. Also, Justinian ruled over Romans. His subjects were Romans. The term Byzantine is a tag made up by historians. The people of Justinian's time considered themselves Romans even though they may have lived in the eastern part of the empire.

Why would the Romans have adapted their religion to the religions of the people they conquered?

The Romans found that they had the same deities only named differently. There was really no adaption necessary, except that the Romans used Roman names for the gods instead of the Greek names.

How did the Romans adapt to environment?

They built roads, traded along the Mediterranean Sea and farmed grapes and olives

What five ways did the ancient rome adapt to their environment?

Romans took great pride in their extensive water distribution and sewage networks.

Though the Romans adapted Greek instruments for their own use-b they did not adapt Greek with the same enthusiasm?

Philosophies and Practices in music. (apex!)

How Rome adopted and adapted Greek culture?

It is hard to tell how the Romans adapted Greek styles to suit their needs. The main feature was how deeply they were influenced by the Greeks of southern Italy in their archaic (early) period and the Greeks of mainland Greece in their classical period. With regard to architecture and sculpture there was a fusion of Greek styles, existing Roman traditions and artistic influence from other peoples who lived in the Roman Empire. The Romans developed into a multicultural people how were happy to be influenced by the peoples they came into contact with. Greek influence started very early on in Roman history. The Greeks established colonies (settlements) in southern Italy in the 8th and 7th century BC. Being a more advanced civilisation, their arrival had a big impact on all the Italic peoples they came in contact with during the archaic (early) period. This led to the adoption and adaptation of the western Greek alphabet by all Italic peoples, including the Latins (the Romans were Latins). Greek motifs for pottery decoration and Greek architectural styles were adopted by the Etruscans. Etruscan civilisation arose out of trade with and influence by these Greeks in what has been called the orientalising period. Recent archaeological evidence has shown that the archaic Latins were also involved in this process and that there was influence from the Greeks of Cumae (a Greek city near Naples) as well as the Etruscans. This is not surprising as both were neighbours. In the 6th century BC the Romans started using the books of the Sibylline who were Greek oracles, some of whom lived in Cumae in Italy. Greek influence on the Romans continued past the archaic period. During the Second Punic War (218-202 BC) they 'imported' Cybele (whom they called Magna Mater, Great Mother) a Greek goddess because the sibylline oracles said that with this Rome could defeat Carthage. The Romans also adopted the Greek god Apollo, who was an oracular god; that is he was the god of the oracles. Influence from the Greeks of mainland Greece increased. By the time the Romans became involved in mainland Greece in the third century BC, the Roman elites had already become Hellenised (absorbed Greek culture). The elites looked up to the Greeks. Their education was both in Latin and Greek and they were fluent in Greek. The highest stage in their education was a stay in Greece to study Greek philosophy. The earliest educators in Rome were Greeks. In Rome there were Greek libraries as well as Latin ones. The Romans adopted some Greek gods and linked their gods to the Greek ones. They also absorbed much of Greek mythology. Roman architecture and sculpture were based on Greek models; hence the term Greco-Roman art, and Greek artists were highly praised in Rome.