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His experiment with the gold foil and the beam of positively charged particles proved that the nucleus of the atom is not solid. The beam past through the foil and bounced back. Rutherford's experiment contradicted Thomson's theory that an atom is solid.

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Q: How did Rutherfords work help form the presentday model of the atom?
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How did Rutherfords work help form the present day model of a atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

How did Rutherford's work help form the present day model of the atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

Who form the atomic theory model of the atom?

Niels Bohr is considered the founder of the modern atomic model.

What atom form double bond in amino acid glycine molecular model?

Carbon with oxygen.

How does the model of the Atom change over time?

it starts to break down into it's simplest form

How are the bohr model and quantum model similar?

A Bohr model--Indicate all the electrons in the atom,in various shells in the atom. In the form of planetary model like nucleus is the center&electrons are surrounding it. A Lewis model--Indicate only the electrons in the outermost shell in the atom. In the form of electron dot structures we can write an atom in the middle & surrounding will be the valence electrons in the form of dot's.

What was the atomic model that resembled planets orbiting the sun?

The atomic model in which electrons orbit the nucleus the way that planets orbit the sun is called the Bohr atom. We now know that atoms are really not very much like that at all, and electrons do not orbit the nucleus, they form shells, rather than orbits.

Why do Ball stick models of atoms have different number of holes?

The no. of holes that a ball stick model has is equal to an atom's no. of valence electrons, or the no. of bonds that it can form.

What is the structure of the atom as proposed by Rutherford?

Before Rutherford, scientists assumed that the atom was a single particle. Rutherford presented his revolutionary, physical atomic model that suggested an atom consists of a central charge (the term 'nucleus' was coined after Rutherford's model was presented) that is surrounded, presumably, by a cloud of orbiting electrons. He showed that most of an atom's mass was located in the atom's nucleus. Rutherford's model was later improved upon by Niels Bohr, father of the Bohr-model. Rutherford made no connection to an element's atomic number and the number of protons within an atom's nucleus; however, his atomic model paved the way for the discovery of this correlation only a couple years after his model was designed.

What is an ATOM make a short answer?

An atom is the smallest form of particle.

How is an electrons cloud part of the current atomic model?

The electron cloud form the electrically negative part of an atom; electrons are responsible for the chemical activity of elements.

How does the size of each compare with the size of the neutral atom form which it is formed?

A cation is smaller than the neutral atom because one electron is removed from the original atom to form it. An anion is larger than the neutral atom because one electron is added to the original atom to form it.