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Niels Bohr is considered the founder of the modern atomic model.

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Lydia Schulist

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Q: Who form the atomic theory model of the atom?
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How did Rutherfords work help form the present day model of a atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

How did Rutherford's work help form the present day model of the atom?

The atomic model of Rutherford was a step in the historical development of the today concept of an atom.

What was the atomic model that resembled planets orbiting the sun?

The atomic model in which electrons orbit the nucleus the way that planets orbit the sun is called the Bohr atom. We now know that atoms are really not very much like that at all, and electrons do not orbit the nucleus, they form shells, rather than orbits.

How does Antoine lavoisier relate to the atomic model development?

Lavoisier made the atomic theory of matter, stating that matter is not destroyed or created, just changes form.

Why john Dalton's atomic model which describes an atom as an invisible spherical participle are no longer accepted?

First of all he did'nt say that it was invisible, he said it was indivisible i.e. it cannot be divided further but it can be in the form of protons,electrons and neutrons.That's why it was not accepted. By the way he proposed atomic theory not a model. Models were proposed by THOMSON, RUTHERFORD and NEIL BOHR.

What is the name of the atomic model in which electrons are treated a waves?

the wave mechanical model is the most current form of the atom. it is based on the probability of where electrons are going to be at a point in time. on diagrams it appears as a cloud around the nucleus.

Compare the position of the electrons in bohr's model of the atom with their positions according to modern atomic theory?

The Bohr atom imagined that electrons orbit the nucleus in much the same way that planets orbit the sun. The modern atomic model has electrons in the form of a cloud that surrounds the nucleus without actually moving in orbit around it. Moving electrons would have to emit photons, lose energy, and spiral into the nucleus, thus destroying the atom. They don't really orbit.

What are the differences between Dalton's model of the atom and Thompson's model of the atom?

Dalton never acknowledged the fact that the atomic structure consisted of protons nor electrons. Dalton's theory suggested:unlike Thomson who came up with the theory of the 'Plum Pudding Model', which consisted of a positive proton with electrons 'scattered' through it, like "...currants in a Christmas pudding..."hope this was somewhat helpful :)Matter is made up of indivisible atoms.All atoms of an element are identical.Atoms are neither created nor destroyed.Atoms of different elements have different weights and chemical properties.Atoms of different elements combine in simple whole numbers to form compounds.

What kind of atom were the first to form?

Atomic atoms were the first to form.

What is the full form of Atom-bomb?

atomic bomb

Who form the first atomic theory?

john dalton

How is an electrons cloud part of the current atomic model?

The electron cloud form the electrically negative part of an atom; electrons are responsible for the chemical activity of elements.