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Q: How did Santa Anna return to power in Mexico during the Mexico war?
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Who did Mexico put into power to help fight the us?

they put santa anna to help them to gain more power

In what ways did Juarez differ from Santa Anna?

Juarez-A liberal reformer, Benito Juarez strongly influenced the politics of Mexico. He was complete opposite in background and goals with Santa Anna. Santa Anna-During the 19th century, no one dominated Mexican political life more than him. He played a leading role in Mexico's fight for independence from Spain in 1821. In 1829, he fought against Spain again as the European power tried to regain control of Mexico. In 1833, He became Mexico's president.

Who seized power in an 1834 Mexico city revolt?

General Zachary Taylor seized power in the 1834 Mexico City revolt! Wrong. Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

What president lost power in Mexico following the war?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna qualifies as such.

General Santa Anna?

Santa Anna was the leader of Mexico during the Texas Revolution and the Mexican-American War. When Texas wished independence from Mexico, Santa Anna mobilized troops. Most famous of the battles in the Texas Revolution was the Alamo, where Santa Anna killed everyone on the opposing side. He was, however, defeated in the end and Texas gained independence. When Texas was annexed to the United States, however, Santa Anna was mad again, and attacked when President Polk walked American troops into disputed territories. Led primarily by General Winfield Scott, the Americans thrashed the Mexicans and Santa Anna was wrenched from power.

Who was in power during Mexico's Independence Day?

a jive turkey

What leader suspended the Mexican Constitution and assumed the power of a dictator in Mexico?

The dictator of mexico was Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna

What party was in power during the 1820 in Mexico City?

None. During that year Mexico was still a colony of Spain, governed by viceroy Juan Ruiz de Apodaca.

What Country Was Santa Anna president?

He was president in Mexico) He played a leading role in Mexico's fight for independence from Spain in 1821. In 1829, he fought against Spain again as the European power tried to regain control of Mexico. In 1833, He became Mexico's president.

Who lead a revolt to remove centralist's from power in Mexico becoming president in 1833?

Antonio Lopez de Santa Anna (1794 - 1876)

The power went out when your stove was on When the power comes on will the stove be on?

Yes, your stove will be on. The stove's switches will not return to the off position during a power failure.

Why did santa Anna kill James bowie and everyone during the Battle of the Alamo in 1836 March 6?

for power