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By becoming too proud to worship the Heavenly Father.

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Q: How did Satan have the ability to become evil in heaven?
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Who did Satan represent at the lords council?

In Christian tradition, Satan is believed to have represented evil or temptation at the Lord's council before being cast out of heaven for rebelling against God. This event is commonly referred to as the War in Heaven.

Why evil spirit hold you down?

Because evil spirits come from Satan and Satan hates GOD so he uses spirits to mess with your life and try to make you lose your faith so that you don't go to heaven.

What is Satan supposed to mean?

The devil's name was Lucifer, then Satan when he became evil. Satan means evil.

Why is it that Satan is always depicted as a monster if he originally fell from heaven and therefore should look like an angel?

Perhaps, as a child views monsters as being 'evil', it would be easier to portray Satan as a monster to symbolise how he is in fact evil. But that's my opinion.

Is Satan an evil force?

From the description in the Scriptures, such as the temptations of Christ, Satan has a will and purpose, as well as the ability to quote Scripture. These are not characteristics of an impersonal force but of a personal being, such as a fallen angel. Note that Satan does not have to have a body to have these characteristics.

Why lady gaga is become monster?

because she is evil and believes in satan and communticates with deadly and bad ghosts.

Why was Satan in the garden with Adam and Eve?

Because ever since Satan was kicked out of Heaven, his goal is to get people to turn away from God. So Satan was just by the tree of good and evil waiting for one of them to come by so that he could trick them into eating from the tree.

Is God Satan's Father?

No. God is Satan's creator, however, when Satan tried to become like God, God threw him out of heaven, Satan took a third of the angels with him too. So no, God is not Satan's father, but create.EDIT: Yes, God is Satan's father. Because Satan is an angel that turned evil and god is the father of all both good and evil.Answer:The Scriptures tell us that God created Lucifer (Satan), who was perfect in the beginning, but had a desire to usurp God. "How art thou fallen from heaven, O Lucifer, son of the morning! how art thou cut down to the ground, which didst weaken the nations! For thou hast said in thine heart, I will ascend into heaven, I will exalt my throne above the stars of God: I will sit also upon the mount of the congregation, in the sides of the north: I will ascend above the heights of the clouds; I will be like the most High. Yet thou shalt be brought down to hell, to the sides of the pit." Isaiah 14:12-15. God does not create evil. It is rebellion of the created being that produces evil.

What was the war Saint Michael fought in?

Michael had a war with with an evil power.He was the war cry of the good angels in the battle fought in heaven against Satan and his followers.

What is the most evil thing?

Satan is the most evil thing.

Why did they make St. Michael the patron saint of policemen?

Likely because of his role (as shown in the Book of Revelations) as leader of the forces of heaven against evil, against Satan.

Who are Satan helpers?

Evil jinn.