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Q: How did Saul rule the people of ancient Israel?
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What place did king saul rule?

He ruled in Israel as the first King anointed by Samuel.

Who was the first king to rule Israel?

King Saul. See: Jewish history timeline

How was the united kingdom of Israel formed?

King Saul was anointed by the prophet Samuel, at God's instruction. Saul united the Israelites under his rule, thus forming the united kingdom of Israel.

When did king saul rule?

King Saul reigned over Israel from circa 1049 BC to 1007 BC, which is roughly 42 years.

Who were the first kings of Judah and Israel and when did they rule?

The first kings of Judah and Israel were Saul, David, Solomon. They ruled from 1020 BCE to 931 BCE.

Why was david anointed king while saul still ruled over the israelites?

Because Saul was not completely obedient to God. In the battle against Amalek, which God had commanded explicitly, Saul didn't finish the job (1 Samuel ch.15; and see also Exodus ch.17 and Deuteronomy 25:17-19).

Which king was in rule when ancient Israel was at the height of its power?

King Solomon.

What did Saul say about the dangers involved in power and authority?

After God chose Saul as the first king of Israel, his personality changed. Power corrupted him, changing him from a humble man to one who was full of pride and self-will. Saul continued to defy God's rule until a new king, David, was chosen to rule. Saul died when he fell upon his sword on the battlefield.

Why did Israel have kings?

Israel had kings because the people of Israel requested a king to lead them, following the example of surrounding nations. The first king of Israel was Saul, followed by David and Solomon. The monarchy was seen as a way to provide leadership, unity, and protection for the nation.

Who did God pick to be in Israel's line of kings?

God chose Saul to be the first king of Israel. Saul disobeyed God so God chose a new king who was David. Of David's sons, God chose Solomon to succeed David. God also promised David that his line would continue to rule forever.

Did king Saul rule Phoenicians?

He did not. Contemporaneous with the Kingdom of Israel was the golden age of the Phoenician merchant city states. They traded with them. As a matter of fact, they brought the cedars for the temple that Solomon built.

What is devine right?

The theory is that God appoints rulers by His Hand. Therefore, if God appointed the king, his is the right to rule. So it is customary to understand that any ruling monarch should be succeeded by his child. The trick is to be born into the right family. The concept comes from the JudeoChristian Bible, in which first Saul and then David was appointed king over Israel. Further, if Saul had not been deposed by the very God Who had appointed him in the first place, his son Jonathan would have been the next king of Israel. However, David was appointed successor to Saul, which didn't sit very well with Saul who tried to have David killed. David's successors were all direct descendants of himself, thereby affirming God's announced favor to the Davidic line and it's right to rule over Israel. Rights monarchs claimed were granted by God.