

How did Scout avert trouble in jail?

Updated: 9/17/2019
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Q: How did Scout avert trouble in jail?
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What kind of trouble begins to happen first at the Finch house and then at the jail?

At the Finch house, trouble begins when Scout and Jem are harassed by Bob Ewell following the trial, putting them in harm's way. At the jail, trouble starts when a mob arrives to lynch Tom Robinson, but is diffused by Scout's innocent conversation with Mr. Cunningham.

Why does scout get in trouble during Walter's visit?

Scout is outspoken and tends to let her mind and mouth get her into trouble during Walters visit.

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Scout punched her cousin right in the mouth

In the book To Kill a Mockingbird who does scout recognize in the mob at the jail?

Scout recognizes Mr. Cunningham in the mob at the jail, and she talks to him, appealing to his sense of decency and humanity to break up the mob and prevent them from carrying out any violence.

Which characater is responsible for persuading the gang of men to leave the jail?

Scout was responsible for the men leaving the jail.

Who does scout recognize in the mob at the jail?


Why does scout get in trouble in chapter 2?

Scout gets in trouble in Chapter 2 because her teacher, Miss Caroline Fisher, becomes upset when she realizes that Scout already knows how to read. Miss Caroline urges Scout to stop her father from teaching her further at home, but Scout refuses, leading to a conflict and her punishment.

What are some differences of being in jail to being grounded?

The difference is that you are in legal trouble in jail, and I highly doubt that your parents grounding you would get you in legal trouble.

How does scout get in trouble for talking about the Cunningham family?

he talks bad on them

Scout gets in trouble at school with miss Caroline fisher what does he do that's so bad?

Scout gets in trouble for already knowing how to read and write, which upsets Miss Caroline because it goes against the way she wants to teach. She scolds Scout for it.

What is the meaning to the word avert?

To avert is to turn away or to prevent. You might avert your gaze or avert a disaster — either way, you are avoiding something

Do you think that Atticus would have been in real danger without the intervention of Scout?

Yes, Atticus was in real danger during the confrontation at the jail with the mob. Scout's presence helped humanize the mob, causing Mr. Cunningham to reconsider his actions and eventually disperse the group. Without Scout's intervention, the situation could have escalated and resulted in harm to Atticus.