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She made conversation with Mr. Cunningham, and he realized he was doing a bad thing.

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Scout diffused the tensions by recognizing one of the men in the mob and striking up a conversation with him. She engaged in polite conversation which humanized the men and reminded them of their common humanity and decency. This ultimately led to the mob dispersing without causing harm to Atticus.

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Q: How did Scout diffuse the passions of the gang that met Atticus at the jail?
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Atticus is worried that Tom is going to be lynched. He sits in front of the jail and a group of men shows up intending to do just that. Scout intervenes and inadvertently causes the men to disband before doing any violence.

How does Atticus explain mobs to his children in To Kill a Mockingbird?

Atticus explains mobs to his children as a cowardly group of people who act without thinking for themselves. He teaches them the importance of standing up for what is right, even when it goes against the popular opinion of the group. Atticus wants his children to understand the dangers of following a mob mentality and the necessity of individual courage.

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In "To Kill a Mockingbird", the mob is after Atticus because they want to harm Tom Robinson, a black man falsely accused of raping a white woman. The mob wants to take matters into their own hands and deliver their own form of justice, even if it means going against the legal process and putting Atticus in danger for defending Tom.

Why do the men come to talk with Atticus?

I know the answer to the first part of the question. He compares the mob to wild animals. So it took an eight-year-old child to bring 'em to their senses, didn't it?" ... "That proves something-- that a gang of wild animals can be stopped, simply because they're still human." .. Sorry if it wasn't much help ):

What are 3 main events that takes place in chapter 6 in to kill a mocking bird?

In Chapter 6 of "To Kill a Mockingbird," Scout and Jem find presents hidden in the knothole of a tree, their snowman is destroyed, and they discover that Nathan Radley has filled the knothole with cement.

In the story To Kill A Mockingbird Who is Atticus waiting for at the jail?

Atticus is waiting at the jail to protect Tom Robinson from a lynch mob that wants to take vigilante action against him. Atticus shows his courageous and principled character by standing up for what is right in the face of a hostile crowd.