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Q: How did Sojourner Truth help during the civil war?
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Sojourner truth help end slavery

What did Sojourner Truth do to help end slavery?

Sojourner Truth was an abolitionist and women's rights activist who spoke out against slavery and advocated for its end. She became known for her powerful speeches and writings that highlighted the injustices of slavery and called for its abolition. Through her activism, she raised awareness about the evils of slavery and inspired others to join the fight for freedom and equality.

How did Sojourner Truth impact society?

She help with women's right and help enslave african america

How did Sojourner Truth help African American?

through the under ground rail roads

What did Sojourner Truth use to help quiet hooters and hecklers?

Sojourner Truth used her powerful voice and strong presence to quiet hooters and hecklers during her speeches. She was known for her eloquence and ability to command attention, which helped her assert her message despite any opposition.

How did Sojourner Truth help change the world?

she fought in slavery and told people that not only men have musceles because she did

How many people did Sojourner Truth free?

Sojourner Truth helped free several people from slavery during her time as an abolitionist and activist, but there is no definitive number available. She worked tirelessly to advocate for the freedom and rights of enslaved individuals, and her efforts contributed to the liberation of many.

How are Sojourner Truth and Harriet Tubman alike and different?

-they both were born into slavery and both helped other people get out of slavery but sojourner truth did other things like promoted equal rights for women and harriet commited her life to help other slaves escaped

How is Sojourner Truth honored today?

She wrote some type of pamphlet to help stop slavery... but I don't really know either...

What did Sojourner Truth do after her fifth child died?

after the death of her child ...which she never got over it...went to help slaves escape...was a speaker in god.

What are some character traits of Sojourner Truth?

Nice. hehehe

Did the Freedman's bureau help poor whites during the civil war?

no they were created after the civil war and they did help them