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Q: How did Spartans get so many slaves?
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Was the Spartans have a democracy?

the spartans had more or less a country based on slaves, where everyone was strong and the slaves did all the work

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What is Sparta set up a brutal system of strict control?

Spartans turned conquered people into helots or state-owned slaves who greatly outnumber Spartans so Spartans set up brutal system of control

Why did the Spartans treat the Helots badly?

The Helots were the Spartans slaves. If the Spartans treated them well they would have been more likely to successfully rebel.

What did Spartans do with the people they conquered?

i believe that they made them into slaves

Who did the Spartans depend on to complete their manual labor?

They depended on slaves nearby.

How were slaves treated in Sparta?

Slaves were not allowed to be citizens. They were beaten and abused whenever they did something wrong. They generally came from other lands that the Spartans had conquered, and were forced to work for the Spartans.

How were slaves treated badly in Sparta?

Slaves were not allowed to be citizens. They were beaten and abused whenever they did something wrong. They generally came from other lands that the Spartans had conquered, and were forced to work for the Spartans.

Was it the Athens or Spartans that the government gave each citizen a plot of land which was worked by state slaves called helots?


Why was there so many slaves?

why are there so many slaves?

Why is slavery important to ancient Greeks'?

it was important to ancient Greeks because slaves did most of their work -------------------------------------------------------------------------------------------- In Sparta, Slaves known as Helots (which accounted for appx. 90% of the population) maintained the state while the Spartans would train for war. Also, the Helots served as a source of fear to motivate the Spartans to train so that the slaves would not rebel. An interesting side note, about once every year, the Spartans would massacre Helots to remind them of their place.

What are some negatives about the Spartans?

Just to name a few, in Sparta they had nearly 100,000 slaves compared to the 40,000 slaves that Athens had.