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After WW2 he wanted to install pro-communist, pro-USSR governments. His theory was that because Russia / USSR had been invaded twice in 25 years from Europe and Stalin feared another war starting in that way again, so he did everything he colt to keep those pro governments in place.

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Stalin was a communist and he wanted to spread his communism (almost like the US spreading Democracy but on a more violent scale)

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by stealing everyhthing that he could get his hands on

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9y ago

The USSR wanted to control countries in Eastern Europe so that it would have subservient territories that do as they are told

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Q: Why did Stalin want to control Eastern Europe?
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Why did vm molotov object the marshall plan?

he did not object to it....Stalin did and this was because he was still not too sure whether to stay as an ally of the U.S.A or to split off from it. But he was not prepared to hand over economic data to the U.S.A. He also thought that this was to take away the Soviet sphere of influence in eastern Europe as if the countries in eastern Europe accepted, he didn't want them to become too dependant on the U.S dollar.

Why did Stalin want satellite nations?

During but especially after World War II, Stalin sought to occupy and then control satellite nations in Europe, especially, for several reasons. The first was ideological: to spread the Communist revolution. The second was defensive in nature: Stalin sought to establish a buffer of sympathetic nations around the Soviet Union as protection against any further aggression by major powers in future wars.

How did soviet plans for eastern Europe differ from those of other allies?

The Soviet Union did not want allies, they wanted puppet states. They controlled eastern Europe until the wall came down.

What was Joseph Stalin involvement with Germany after World War 2?

Stalin kept half of Germany. It became known as East Germany and was under Russia's communist rule until the early 1990s.That is why Stalin want control of European countries

Do you see any similarities or differences in the rise of communism in many Eastern European countries and the rise of Adolf Hitler and the Nazi Party in Germany?

Certainly the Nazi Party & Hitler's popularity grew in Germany, based on National Reichstag (Parliament) Elections from 1928 to 1932. However, Communism did not "rise" in Eastern Europe & East Germany after World War Two. It was imposed by brutal force by Stalin's Soviet Union when his nation occupied Eastern Europe when Hitler was defeated. Both the Nazis & Communists were evil totalitarian tyrants, however in Germany the Nazis were elected into power after being fooled by Nazi propaganda. In Eastern Europe those people did not want communism, and tried to resist.

Why did the Soviets want to take over Germany?

Germany is in a central location in Europe. It borders Italy, France, Poland and other countries. With control of Germany they could control Europe.