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Q: How did Sumerianians differfrom the Egyptians and how they viewed tehir rulers?
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To the Egyptians, the Pharaohs were actually gods.

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How did the Sumerian differ from the Egyptians in the way they viewed their rulers?

The Sumerian kings (called Lugals) had different roles in the various Sumerian cities where they ruled, but often is was a mixture of priestly roles and purely chief executive roles. Despite those priestly roles, Sumerians did not see their kings as descendants of the gods or as gods themselves. The Egyptiands did.

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Why did the Kush likes Egyptian culture?

The Kushites were absorbed into the Egyptian culture because the Egyptians were stronger than the Kushite people. The Kushites borrowed most of their culture and ideas from the Egyptians. The Kush people were part of those to rule the area once Egypt fell as the ruling power. The Kushites first viewed the Egyptian people as equals, then as rulers, and then as subordinates.

Why are the pyramids significant?

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