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They wrote them a Check.

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Q: How did The United States pay Russia for Alaska?
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Who did the US pay for Alaska?


How much did the US pay for Russia?

On average 70 million dollars a year. Here is a chart on yearly budgets Data Retrieved from USAID chart "USAID Assistance to Russia," May 2009 (link below)2006: $74,466,000 2007: $78,323,000 2008: $62,506,000 2007: $78,323,000 2008: $62,506,000 2009: $70,146,000 2010: $71,595,000

What is the current exchange rate in Alaska?

Apparently you have not looked at a map of the United States. Alaska is the 49th state of the union, so it only makes sense that US currency is the same value it is in the continental United States. I realize most people in the continental Unites States forget easily about Alaska and Hawaii, but we all live by the same laws and pay our taxes like the rest of you.

How did the United states gain Alaska and Hawaii?

Alaska... the United States purchased the Alaskan territory from Russia in 1867. It became a state in 1959.Hawaii... the United States colonized it after previous colonies like the British (formerly Hawaii was called the Sandwich Islands, after the Earl of Sandwich). Annexation discussions began in the 1800s, finally annexed in 1898. By many accounts the existing Hawaiian monarchy was overthrown by Americans in order to help insure annexation. Hawaii US became a state in 1959-amid both approval and (somewhat ongoing) protests by indigenous people.Puerto Rico is not a state, rather a "US protectorate" or "unincorporated territory ". The 1917 Jones-Shafroth Act gave Puerto Ricans U.S. citizenship, and signed into law by President Woodrow Wilson on March 2, 1917.

Who purcased Alaska from russia for the US how much did he pay?

Joell mcghee purches it and bought it for 8,000,892

How much did Russia pay the Eskimos for Alaska?

They ripped the Eskmios off and they only got 2 million USD.

How much money does Japan pay the us?

Japan doesn’t pay the United States and the United States doesn’t provide them with foreign aid.

When did the us purchase Alaska and how much did they pay?

The USA purchased Alaska in 1867 from Russia for $7.2 million . There was considerable opposition at the time although by 1913 the fur trade and gold yields were bringing in profits of $81 million.

How much did the US pay for Alaska and when it was purchased?

The purchase price paid by the US to Russia was $7.2 million.Secretary of State William Seward agreed to the purchase on March 30, 1867, the US Senate approved the treaty on April 9, and the formal transfer came on October 12, 1867.It was $7,200,000.00 or about 2 cents per acre.Russia.

What did the US pay Russia for Alaska?

In 1867, Russia sold Alaska to the United States for $7,200,000 or about 2 cents an acre. The U.S. purchase was accomplished solely through the determined efforts of Secretary of State William H. Seward, and for many years afterward the land was derisively called Seward's Folly or Seward's Icebox because of its supposed uselessness. Since Alaska appeared to offer no immediate financial return, it was neglected.

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