

How did US foreign policy between 1890 and 1919 change?

Updated: 8/20/2019
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Q: How did US foreign policy between 1890 and 1919 change?
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In 1890 to 1920 the development of the passage of child labor laws by individual states was passed. During the period known as the Progressive Era (1890s to about 1920s) the U.S. government became increasingly activist in both domestic and foreign policy.

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No, the 29th of February did not fall on a Wednesday between 1890 and 1925.

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Bismarck was removed from his position as Chancellor of Germany in 1890. This happened because Emperor Wilhelm II wanted to pursue a more aggressive foreign policy and saw Bismarck as an obstacle. Additionally, Bismarck's popularity waned due to a series of failed policies and conflicts with other political factions.

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Until 1890, the U.S. government's policy toward business was Laissez-faire, or "hands off." The Sherman Anti-trust Act was enacted in 1890 to break up monopolies. Since then, the government has taken more and more of an interventionist/regulated approach to business.