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He was either selected or auditioned for the role of Ed .

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Q: How did Vic Mignogna become the voice actor for Edward in Fullmetal Alchemist?
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Does Ed become a homunculi in the Fullmetal Alchemist movie?

No, he doesn´t become a homunculi.

How did Edward Elric become an alchemist?

his father is a alchemist and he wanted to be one to

What does fullmetal mean?

FullMetal is the name given to Ed by the State when he passes the test to become a state alchemist. he gets this name because of his automail. Hiromu Arakawa (the author of FMA) has said in an interview that she got the name Fullmetal from the movie "Full Metal Jacket", and said that it just sounded cool.

Can you give the sentence with alchemist?

The alchemist tried to change lead into gold. He studied years to become an alchemist.

Where does Edward Elric live?

He was born and lived in Resembool but left to become a state alchemist (when he left he burnt down the house). From then on he moved around a lot so didn't really live anywhere

What is Full Metal Alchamist Brotherhood?

Fullmetal Alchemist is an anime... And a manga!It is based off two kids "Edward Elric" and "Alphonse Elric" looking for a way to ressurect their mother (and get their bodies back) by using a stone (which in the series they say is "Ledgendary") the Philosopher's Stone.Full metal alchemist is a manga and anime series by Hiromu Arakawa. It is often abbreviated as FMA. The anime has 51 episodes and all of them are releaced along with a movie. I agree this anime is the best ever. Full Metal Alchemist (FMA) is a hit manga series in Japan. Edward Elric and his younger brother Alphonse Elric tried to resourect their dearly beloved mother from the dead with human transmutation... it failed terribly, making Edward lose his left leg, and Alphonse's entire body. in order for Edward to get his brother back he exchanged his arm for Al's soul, and binded it to an empty suit of armor. now ed has an right automail arm and a left automail leg (artificial limbs) and they are on a journey to find a way to gain they're origianal bodies back. Edward becomes a state alchemist on order to find more information about the philosipher stone which might indeed have the power to give them their desire. p.s. I LOVE THIS ANIME Also, this anime is about two brothers that try to bring their mom back to life using alchemy, but its forrbidden to try to raise the dead, but they do it anyway, and Ed (older brother) lost an arm and a leg and Al (younger brother) lost his entire body, so Ed put Al's spirit into a suit of armor, and they go on a quest to find the legendary philosopher stone to try to get their bodies back to normal. It's a good anime, though it's kinda gross and scary at some parts, but just a little, and it's funny.

Can people in this days become an alchemist?

Not advisable, Alchemy is understood to be a quack or pseudo-science.

Does Edward Elric love Winry Rockbell?

Though it hasn't been explicitly stated, it is strongly implied that Edward is in love with Winry. Winry admits her feelings to herself but Edward tries to deny them so as to avoid conflict with his quest for the philosopher's stone. As the series progresses, Edward's feelings (as well as Winry's) become more and more obvious...hopefully someday Edward will finally admit it!Ed does he confesses it at the end of the series and they get married and have a boy and girl(Sources: Manga, Brotherhood)Well Winry certainly likes or should i say loves Edward but know one i know knows if Edward likes Winry but i predict that Edward loves Winry so much he doesn't realize he loves Winry!

When Edward did become King?

Which Edward are you referring to.

How do you become as fit as Edward Cullen?

become a vampire, that should do it :)

Did edward hargraves become a politician?

no of course not

Does Bella become pregnant by edward?
