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LBJ refused to run for re-election; he was burned out. The nation wanted (and needed) an experienced "get the job done" president. Nixon promised to deliver! The country believed him. What happened next is a story for another time.

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Q: How did Vietnam war affect election 1968?
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What where the presidential election dates during the Vietnam War?

In the US, 1960, 1964, 1968, 1972.

What presidential candidate pledged to the end of Vietnam war and won the 1968 election?

i think it was teddy rosevelt

When and were did the Vietnam War occur?

the Vietnam war occur from 1965-1968

What did Nixon promise about the Vietnam War during his campaign for the 1968 election?

Nixon said that he would pull troops out of Vietnam. Under a plan called "peace with honor", Nixon planned to negotiate an end to the war.

By 1968 the Vietnam War and President Johnson's declining political support?

Convinced Johnson not to run for reelection, helped the Republicans win the 1968 presidential election, divided the Democratic Party

What country was the u.s in war with in 1968?


What US president announced that he would not seek reelection in 1968?

L B Johnson did not stand for re election in 1968.

Which of these was not a primary factor for opposition to vietnam war?

1964 election

What was an issue in society during the 1968 election?

The war.

What were major events in 1968 during the political events?

Some major political events in 1968 include the Tet Offensive in the Vietnam War, the assassination of Martin Luther King Jr. and Robert F. Kennedy, widespread anti-Vietnam War protests, the student-led protests in France, and the election of Richard Nixon as President of the United States.

Why did president Johnson choose to not seek reelection in 1968?

The Vietnam War hurt his image.

How has the Vietnam war played a role in current presidential election?

Probably not.