

How did amun turn to amun-ra?

Updated: 9/22/2023
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10y ago

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Amun did not turn into Amun-Ra, they are two different gods.

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He did not; the god Amun and the god Ra are two separate deities; a third as Amun-Ra was made from the combining of their names.

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Amun-Re was one of the sun god's.You can go to and type in Amun-Re or Amon-Re or Amon.

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it is pronounced .. amun ra .. and he is one of the gods of ancient Egypt

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Since Amun was one of the more prevalent in Ancient Egypt there is more than one Temple of Amun. The most well know are the Temple of Amun at Karnak and the Temple of Luxor was also dedicated to Amun. There is also a Temple of Amun in Egypts Western Desert at Siwa Oasis, and some even outside of Egypt as far out as the Sudan where there are Temples of Amun at Meroe and also at Naga. Probably many more aswell. ...John...

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The Egyptian god Amun was never not a god, nor did he die.

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