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They had four priests hold down the victim and the head priest would use a decorative knife to take out the victims heart. there were also blood lettings where the king would cut himself and sacrifice his blood. before sacrifices some people were painted. the Aztecs believed they had a "blood debt" to the gods and to avert disaster.

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Q: How did ancient Aztecs sacrifice people?
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What did Ancient Aztecs sacrifice?

Aztecs would sacrifice prisoners they had caught in war and Aztecs who had done wrong.

Why did the ancient Aztecs sacrifice people?

They would sacrifice because it was a way of showing honor to the emporor/god.

Where did Aztecs sacrifice people?

The Aztecs sacrificed people on top of the temples

Where do Aztecs sacrifice people?

On a sacrifice temple!!!

When did the Aztecs sacrifice people?

The Aztecs sacrificed people everyday and about 10,000 people a day.

What were Aztecs well known for?

The Aztecs were known for there abilities to sacrifice people

Do Aztecs eat people that they sacrifice?


How many people did the Aztecs sacrifice in a day?


What did Aztecs use to sacrifice people?

forks and knives

Who did Aztecs sacrifice?

People like children.. But they seceretly ate them

Who were the Aztecs and why did they sacrifice people?

the Aztecs were a tribal group. They sacrificed people because it showed honour and respect to the emperers orr gods.

Why did Aztecs kill people?

Aztecs would kill people Because they thought that the sun was a God And they would sacrifice people till their "God" was Satisfied.