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The story of Atlantis being an underwater civilization is a myth that originated with the writings of the ancient Greek philosopher Plato. There is no evidence to suggest that Atlantis ever existed as a real place that sank underwater. It is considered a fictional tale used by Plato to convey political and philosophical ideas.

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Q: How did atlantis get underwater?
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How many years doesit take for atlantis to go back underwater?

Atlantis is a mythical island, so it never actually existed and has never gone back underwater. This story comes from Plato's dialogues, where he described it as a powerful and advanced civilization that was lost to the sea in a single day.

What caused the lost city of Atlantis to sink?

The sinking of the lost city of Atlantis is a mythical story rather than a historical event. According to Plato's dialogues, Atlantis was punished by the gods for their arrogance and corruption, causing it to be submerged underwater. There is no scientific evidence to support the existence of Atlantis as a real city.

How deep is lost city of Atlantis?

The lost city of Atlantis is a mythical island that was said to have sunk into the sea. Since its existence has never been proven, there is no definitive depth for the lost city of Atlantis.

How many people have tried to find Atlantis?

Many people have attempted to locate Atlantis throughout history, but no conclusive evidence of its existence has been found. The legend of Atlantis has inspired explorers, archaeologists, and researchers to investigate various underwater sites, but all claims of its discovery remain unverified.

How did the lost city of Atlantis sink?

The sinking of Atlantis is a legend, not a historical event. The story of Atlantis sinking comes from the Greek philosopher Plato's dialogues, particularly the "Timaeus" and "Critias." In these dialogues, Plato describes Atlantis as a powerful island civilization that disappeared beneath the ocean in a single day due to its citizens' moral corruption.