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Many species of bat are very adaptable. Prior to man, they lived happily in the trees, eating fruits, insects or whatever their diet required. They gathered in the trees or caves, where they lived undisturbed. When man came along and pulled down their natural habitat, they discovered the opportunities for new fruits that man planted.

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Q: How did bats live before man affected its natural habitat?
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Where is a bats habitat?

in wiered places.

How big can long tailed bats habitat?

They are awsome

What is the habitat for fruit bat?

a fruit bats habitat is humid &in dense forest areas. (i hope this helps i am 10 and doing a report on fruit bats!! ,thanks for asking

How do brown bats adapt to their habitat?

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A bats habitat?

Bats like secluded areas away from the sunlight during the day. Their most common habitat is a cave. They also like the undersides of bridges. And you've heard of bats in your belfry? Well, it's not very common, but it has happened.

What is the biggest danger for bats?

People are the greatest danger to bats. Besides destroying their habitat, the fear of bats often causes people to kill them.

What animals live in the same habitat as the Arachnoscelis?

dolphins, rats, bats.

What is the habitat for bats?

under a bridge in a cave or in a bat home and trees and nest

How have bats adapted to their environment?

Bats are able to adapt to their environment by their habitat. Whether its cold, hot, dark and either big or small.

What is a vampire bats habitat like?

the live in very dark caves in central America

What are the natural predators to bats?

Ozzy Osbourne

What eats vampire bats?

Vampire bats feed on the blood of animals, usually cows.