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It is the first, and most important, pillar of the five Islam pillars. Refer to related questions below for more information.

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Q: How did belief in Muhammad's prophethood lead to the religion of Islam?
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What is muhammads religion?

The religion taught by Muhammad is called, Islam, which means submission to the will of God. A follower of Islam is a Muslim.

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Which sect of Islam wanted the community to pick muhammads?

Islam is the religion preached by Prophet Mohamed (SAW), and does not have any sects. The followers of this religion are called Muslims, and they, unfortunately do have different sects.

Is Islam a race or religious belief?

It is religion or religious belief. It is not a race.

What does shshadah mean?

"Shahadah" is a declaration of faith in Islam, proclaiming the belief in the oneness of God (Allah) and the prophethood of Muhammad. It is one of the Five Pillars of Islam and is recited by Muslims to affirm their faith and commitment to Islam.

What is an ancient Indian religion that promotes belief in a single god?

it is Islam

Is the Islam religion belief in heaven or hell?

Islam religion belief is in both Heaven and Hell. Heaven is the reward for good Muslims and good believers in God and in His oneness. Hell is for those who are expelled from God love and mercy.

What is Ghana belief?

Ghana is a secular state, but the main religion is Christianity followed by Islam.

How religion can be identified?

Religion is what one believes in. In other words it is your belief. I am a Muslim therefore I believe in the religion of Islam. If I was a Christan I would have believed in the religion of Christianity

What is the main religion of Africa?

Animism is a majority belief in northern Africa and deals with the worship of animal spirits. Islam is probably the next largest religious belief but there is still many traces of Animism entwined with the various religions because of its tribal heritage.

What Type of religion Islam?

Islam is a monotheistic Abrahamic religion. The followers adhere to the belief of one god, and also trace all of the prophets from the line of Abraham's children, Isma'il and Ishaq.

What is Ghana's religious belief?

Ghana is a secular state, but the main religion is Christianity followed by Islam.