

How did bootleggers make a living during the 1920?

Updated: 3/10/2022
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8y ago

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In a time when buying liquor was illegal, bootleggers became very popular. What they did was against the law, but in many cities, they were the only ones who could provide (by smuggling it into the state or by manufacturing it) the liquor that private clubs (called "Speakeasies") sold. Bootleggers also made alcoholic beverages available for wealthy Americans who wanted liquor for private parties. Many Americans who otherwise thought of themselves as law-abiding became customers of bootleggers when there was a need to purchase Alcoholic Beverages.

Bootleggers were in some cases members of organized crime, and in other cases, entrepreneurs who knew that not everyone agreed with Prohibition. Many became quite successful, although the lucrative nature of the work led to wars between certain bootleggers who wanted to carve out a particular territory for themselves and did not want any other competition.

As for how bootleggers made their money, they sold their products (cases of liquor) to club owners and to individual citizens. Bootleggers paid no taxes (since what they were doing was illegal), so the money they made was pure profit. There was a risk of arrest, and sometimes, clubs were raided or bootleggers (or their customers) got arrested. But as time passed and opposition to Prohibition increased, so did the number of people willing to take the risk and buy liquor from bootleggers.

...Similar in nature to Prohibition was Rationing in the UK, started by Sir Winston Churchill who was Prime Minister at the time, just after the commencement of World War 2 in 1940...Rationing only fully ended in 1954...In pretty much the same manner by which 'Bootlegging' evolved in the USA, so also did the so called 'Black Market' come into being in the UK...

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Aliza Upton

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12y ago

In a time when buying liquor was illegal, bootleggers became very popular. What they did was against the law, but in many cities, they were the only ones who could provide (by smuggling it into the state or by manufacturing it) the liquor that private clubs (called "Speakeasies") sold. Bootleggers also made alcoholic beverages available for wealthy Americans who wanted liquor for private parties. Many Americans who otherwise thought of themselves as law-abiding became customers of bootleggers when there was a need to purchase Alcoholic Beverages.

Bootleggers were in some cases members of organized crime, and in other cases, entrepreneurs who knew that not everyone agreed with Prohibition. Many became quite successful, although the lucrative nature of the work led to wars between certain bootleggers who wanted to carve out a particular territory for themselves and did not want any other competition.

As for how bootleggers made their money, they sold their products (cases of liquor) to club owners and to individual citizens. Bootleggers paid no taxes (since what they were doing was illegal), so the money they made was pure profit. There was a risk of arrest, and sometimes, clubs were raided or bootleggers (or their customers) got arrested. But as time passed and opposition to Prohibition increased, so did the number of people willing to take the risk and buy liquor from bootleggers.

...Similar in nature to Prohibition was Rationing in the UK, started by Sir Winston Churchill who was Prime Minister at the time, just after the commencement of World War 2 in 1940...Rationing only fully ended in 1954...In pretty much the same manner by which 'Bootlegging' evolved in the USA, so also did the so called 'Black Market' come into being in the UK...

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