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Bosses and political machines controlled the city governments using intimidation. Assainations happened and labor unions formed to control the local governments.

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Political bosses controlled the city governments by threats and intimidation. Favors were paid for by corrupt business and political cronies.

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Q: How did bosses and political machines control city government?
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How did political machines control cities during the Gilded Age?

Political machines controlled the activities of political parties in the city. Ward bosses, precinct captains, and the city boss worked to ensure that their candidates were elected and that city government worked to their advantage.

What tactics did bosses and political machines use to gain control of governments?

it used legal and illegal methods

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What tactics did bosses and political machines use to gain control of local governments?

it used legal and illegal methods

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What did political machines reward loyal members of their political organization?

Elected officials, poor immigrants, machine bosses

Progressive reformers tried to bypass urban political machines by?

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What were political machines and why did immigrants typically support them?

Politcal machines are organizations that sway votes or control a city's gov't. For example, Tammany Hall was a political machine in New York City. The leader was Boss Tweed. Boss Tweed would pressure peopel into voting a certain way, in favor of what he wanted and who he could have control over. Immigrants typically supported them because the political machines would do them favors and try to find them jobs. They did this because they wanted to keep a good image, even though they were really just corrupt politicians.

How did progressive reform impact the operation and structure of city government?

Reformers went after political machines and corrupt bosses. They were opposed to monopolies of city government services. They sought city managers and wanted the public to own utilities.