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The meandering ridges and valleys of brain coral give it the appearance of a mammalian brain.

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Q: How did brain coral get its name?
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What is Brain Coral?

Brain coral is a type of coral that looks somewhat like a brain. It is a hard coral.

What is the scientific name for brain coral?

Diploria labyrinthiformis

Is the brain coral a parasite?

Brain coral is not a parasite.

What does the term brain coral mean?

Brain coral is simply a type or coral that is closely knit to resemble the look of a brain. This coral can be found in coral reefs all over the world.

Where does brain coral live?

Brain coral lives in the sublittoral zone.

Is brain coral a hard coral?

Yes, Brain Coral is a hard coral, as are most forms of's a dry brittle textured coral breed.

What does brain coral use for defense?

Brain coral does not have a defense, therefore they are helpless to the destruction of coral reefs.

When was Open brain coral created?

Open brain coral was created in 1826.

What are brain coral predators?

One fish that harms brain coral is the parrotfish.

What weapon does brain coral use for defense?

Brain coral does not have a defense, therefore they are defenseless to the destruction of coral reefs!

What is the name of some corals?

There are many different types of coral. Firecracker, tongue, lettuce, stag,and brain coral are just a few.

Has brain coral been around as long as sharks have?

The answer to that is no. When sharks where first sited there was only coral, brain coral was not devopled then.