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Cassia was able to save Ky's compass from being taken by the officials by swapping it with her own compass. She quickly acted in the moment, taking advantage of the confusion during the search to make the switch without being noticed. This quick thinking helped protect Ky and his secret from being discovered.

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Q: How did cassia save Ky's compass from being taken by officials?
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Alexendrian senna is a misspelling of Alexandrian senna. Alexandria (named after Alexander the Great, who conquered Egypt) was a busy port in the ancient land of Egypt that shipped spices and other goods throughout the Mediterranean Sea. The botanical names of Senna are Cassia angustifolia and Cassia acutifolia and it is a member of the plant family Caesalpinaceae. Indian senna and Alexandrian senna are both common names which refer to the Cassia plant. There is no difference other than the name itself. Other common names for Cassia are Cassia senna, Egyptian senna, Nubian senna, and Tinnervelly senna. Nubia was the name of Upper Egypt in ancient times. Senna or Cassia is used as a strong laxative. It is irritating to the lining of the intestines and can create bowel dependency if taken for longer than 7 to 10 days. Senna should not be taken by persons with diverticulosis or diverticulitis.

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What are the side effects of cassia leaves? Cassia Seed The anthra-glucoside it contains has a laxative effect. It can also contract the uterus. Cassia seed water infusion can inhibit dermatomyces, while its alcohol infusion can inhibit staphylococcus, bacillus diphtheriae, bacillus coli, typhoid and paratyphoid bacillus. Cassia seed should be avoided by anyone who has qi (energy) deficiency with loose stools. can also cause health ailments like obesity, irritable bowel syndrome (IBS) and psoriasis. It can also contract the uterus, hence, should be avoided by young or pregnant women. Cassia seed has the potential to exhibit gastrointestinal side effects like gas, diarrhea and nausea along with drowsiness, anxiety and muscle spasms. Since, cassia seed can lower a person's blood pressure, it is not recommended to be taken by people who are presently using blood pressure medications. In fact, it should also be avoided by patients who have Qi deficiency along with loose bowel movements. Read more on herbs. Although, cassia seed health benefits far exceed its side effects, excess of anything is harmful and so is applicable to cassia seed also. Hence, to overcome cassia seed side effects and have its maximum benefits, it should only be taken under a doctor's supervision.

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How decisions may be taken by non elected officials in a democracy?

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What was taken from citizens by the alien and sedition acts?

it took away the right to criticize public officials

What does getting screwed mean?

Being taken advantage of, or being taken for a fool, or being cheated on.

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