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Q: How did castles change to take trebuchet?
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What weapon brought about the end of castles?

TRebuchet and catapult

What was used to throw rocks into castles?

A device called a Catapult. Answer 2 Also a trebuchet

What is a trebuchet?

A trebuchet is a medieval siege weapon. Some trebuchets were very large and could throw very heavy objects over the walls of castles. There is a link below to an article with more information.

How were 1016 castles attacked?

Attackers used: Tunnels, Siege Towers, Archers, Trebuchet, A battering ram, Fireballs and Ladders

What different tactics were used to attack the stones castles?

The many weapons used to attack castles were: Danish Battle axe, Bow and arrow, Stones, Catapult, Trebuchet, Cannons.gun powder of course if you didn't know then you obviously have not of guy folks, so search him on the Internet then you will know why i said gun powder !

How did the trebuchet change over time?

they all died

How did the trebuchet force people to redesign castles?

It forced people to make the walls stronger and out of stone instead of wood like the motte and bailey castle. The trebuchet was very powerful so if you were making the walls stronger you would of had to really make it strong!

What did square keep castles change into?

concentric castles

Why did consentric castles change?

concentric castles didn't change. They were the last castle built

When did stone keep castles change to concentric castles?

Becuase of me

How did the ways in which castles attacked change?

Castles don't attack they defend.

How did castles change though time?

Yes Castles have changed through time to midevil castles to modern day castle in the U.S or Britain. But People call modern castles mansions.