


From the earliest Motte & Bailey Castles to the massive stone Fortresses still standing today

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How do you get black hole in crush the castle 2?

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In Crush the Castle 2, you can unlock the Black Hole projectile by achieving a gold medal on every level in the Wintervale level pack. This can be done by completing each level with as few shots as possible to earn a high score. Once you have earned the Black Hole projectile, you can use it to create a gravitational pull to destroy structures in the game.

How do you get the black hole potion in crush the castle 2?

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To obtain the black hole potion in Crush the Castle 2, you need to earn all gold medals in the game by using the least amount of shots possible in each level. Once you achieve this, the black hole potion will become available for use in later levels.

What were the gaps in fortification battlements called?

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The gaps in fortification battlements are called crenels. These are the openings in the parapet wall that allow defenders to shoot at enemies while also providing cover. The sections in between the crenels are called merlons.

Was clitheroe castle built on a volcano?

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No, Clitheroe Castle was not built on a volcano. It is situated on a limestone outcrop in Clitheroe, Lancashire, England. The castle dates back to the Norman period and was constructed on its current site for strategic purposes.

What is the largest inhabited castle in the world?

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The largest inhabited castle in the world is Windsor Castle in England. It has been a royal residence for over 900 years and is still used by the British royal family for ceremonial and State occasions.

Is Caerphilly castle doing fireworks this year?

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I'm not sure, I recommend checking the official Caerphilly Castle website or their social media pages for the most up-to-date information on their events, including fireworks displays.

How did castles change over time?

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Asked by Wiki User

that they way that the houses are shape it changes over time

What are crenellations for?

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Crenellations are the gaps at the top of a castle wall or battlement that provide cover for defenders to shoot arrows or other projectiles, while still being protected by the wall. They also create a distinctive architectural feature in castles and fortified structures.

What is the safest part of Manhattan?

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Asked by Herb123

Manhattan is generally a safe place, but some of the safest neighborhoods include the Upper East Side, Upper West Side, and Battery Park City. These areas have low crime rates and are popular residential spots for families and young professionals.

How do you use a wilmot castle autoclave sterilizer?

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To use a Wilmot Castle autoclave sterilizer, ensure it is plugged in and water levels are adequate. Place items inside the autoclave, close the door securely, set the appropriate temperature and pressure, and start the sterilization cycle. Once the cycle is complete, allow the autoclave to cool before opening the door and removing the sterilized items.

How do people talk in the medieval times?

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People in medieval times spoke in a variety of languages depending on their region, such as Middle English, Old French, Latin, or German. Speech patterns and vocabulary were quite different from modern English, with more formality and emphasis on class distinctions. Communication was largely oral, so storytelling, poetry, and public speaking were important skills.

How many people visit Windsor Castle per year?

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Windsor Castle receives over 1 million visitors per year, making it one of the most visited tourist attractions in the United Kingdom.

How might a modern owner make a castles rooms less clammy?

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By putting air condition, putting in some light and to remodel the room.

What are facts about Norman castles?

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Norman castles were built by the Normans following the Norman Conquest of England in 1066. They were typically constructed using motte-and-bailey design, featuring a wooden or stone keep on top of a raised earthwork (motte) with an enclosed courtyard (bailey) below. Norman castles played a key role in establishing Norman control over England and Wales, influencing the architectural landscape of the region.

Do not build castles in the air?

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This means not to waste time or energy dreaming of unrealistic or impractical things. It's important to focus on achievable goals and take practical steps to reach them.

Did Macbeth own a castle?

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Macbeth was a historical figure from 11th-century Scotland and was a king, but it is unclear if he owned a specific castle. In William Shakespeare's play "Macbeth," the character Macbeth is depicted as residing in a castle in Scotland, although the play is a work of fiction.

Where did Queen Victoria live when she was Queen?

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She seemed to favor the Balmoral palace in Scotland and also the isle of Wight, where she died in the Osborn House on l.22.0l.

What is miraz's castle called in Narnia?

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Miraz's castle in Narnia is called Cair Paravel. It is located in the kingdom of Archenland and plays a significant role in "Prince Caspian", the second book in the Chronicles of Narnia series by C.S. Lewis.

Air castle By Juan F Salazar?

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"Air Castle" by Juan F. Salazar is a novel that follows the journey of a man named Sam who embarks on a path of self-discovery through dreams and imagination. The story explores themes of memory, identity, and the power of the mind in shaping one's reality. It is a whimsical and philosophical tale that delves into the complexities of human consciousness.

Juan is reading a book set in the distant past He gets a picture in his mind of a castle on top of a hill This is an example of what?

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This is an example of visual imagery, where Juan creates a mental image of a castle on top of a hill based on the description in the book. Visual imagery involves "seeing" scenes or objects in the mind's eye, helping readers to better imagine and connect with the story.

Where is Laugharne castle?

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Laugharne Castle is located in Laugharne, Carmarthenshire, Wales. Situated on the estuary of the River Taf, the castle has a rich history dating back to the 12th century and is a popular tourist attraction due to its picturesque setting.

How tall is sleeping beauty's castle?

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Sleeping Beauty Castle in Disneyland stands at 77 feet tall, making it an iconic symbol and landmark in the park. The castle serves as the entrance to Fantasyland, where guests can experience classic Disney fairy tales and attractions. Its design is inspired by various European castles.

Where can you watch the movie 'Howl's Moving Castle'?

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You can watch the movie "Howl's Moving Castle" on various streaming platforms like HBO Max or by renting or purchasing it on platforms like Amazon Prime Video or iTunes. Additionally, it may also be available for streaming on Studio Ghibli's official platform, Ghibli's Fest.

Do all kings live in castles?

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No, not all kings live in castles. While some kings historically lived in castles, many modern monarchs live in more modern residences or palaces. The use of castles as royal residences has evolved over time.