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Q: How did colonists help Massachusetts after The Intolerable Acts were passed?
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Who was involved in the Intolerable acts?

The Intolerable Acts refers to a series of acts passed by the British Parliament against the Massachusetts colonists. They were passed in the aftermath of the Boston Tea party.

Who was in the intolerable act?

The Intolerable Acts refers to a series of acts passed by the British Parliament against the Massachusetts colonists. They were passed in the aftermath of the Boston Tea party.

Why did the crown pass the so called ''intolerable acts''?

The Crown passed the Intolerable Acts to punish the people of Massachusetts.

Why did the Intolerable Act happen?

The Intolerable Acts (so-called by the American patriots) were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party. They were called the Coercive Acts in Great Britain.

Who punished the colonists of Massachusetts by closing the port to Boston?

Intolerable Acts

How did The Intolerable Acts being passed effect the colonists?

they were mad

What the result of The Intolerable Acts?

After the Intolerable Acts the colonists were angry with all the other acts passed and then that led to the Boston Tea Party

Who got affected by the intolerable act?

The colonists (mostly the Massachusetts colony) got affected by the Intolerable Acts.

Why did the intolerable happened?

The Intolerable Acts (so-called by the American patriots) were a series of laws passed by the British Parliament that were meant to punish the Massachusetts colonists for the Boston Tea Party. They were called the Coercive Acts in Great Britain.

Reason for coercive or intolerable acts?

Britain enacted Coercive Acts on the Massachusetts colonists as a punishment for throwing a large shipment of tea into Boston harbor. The colonists referred to the laws as Intolerable Acts.

How were The Intolerable Acts anymore intolarable than the previous acts England passed to anger the colonists?

The intolerable acts were different because they were passed to punish the colony of Massachusetts for the Boston Tea Party and to show the other colonies what England was capable of doing. It wasn't made to earn a profit like other acts.

What were the introrable acts?

In order to strengthen their power over the rebellious colonists in Massachusetts following the Boston Tea Party, the British Parliament passed a series of acts known as the Coercive Acts. They were passed in 1774, and angry Americans referred to them not as the Coercive Acts, but as the Intolerable Acts.