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Dalton's theory was irrelevant to the total compensation of of the Atomic Mass.

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Ashlee Farrell

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12y ago

Dalton's theory was irrelevant to the total compensation of of the Atomic Mass.

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Q: How did daltons atomic theory lead to the different model scientists have today?
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Why scientists accepted daltons atomic theory but not the idea of an atom proposed by the Greek philosopher?

the Greek Philosophers did not test their theory.

How does Daltons atomic theory explain the law of definite proportions?


When would scientists need to change a theory?

Scientists had made observations that did not fit exactly with Dalton's theory. Scientists changed the atomic theory to include this new knowledge. While the modern atomic theory is based on Dalton's theory, it is also very different.

Did daltons atomic theory include the idea that all atoms of all elements are the same size?


Which tenet of Daltons atomic theory did Thomson disprove?

Atoms cannot be divided into smaller particles.

How is the modern atomic theory different from Daltons atomic theory?

The modern atomic theory includes the concept of isotopes, which Dalton's theory did not address. Furthermore, modern atomic theory describes atomic structure using quantum mechanics, which was not known in Dalton's time. Additionally, modern atomic theory recognizes the existence of subatomic particles such as protons, neutrons, and electrons within an atom, while Dalton's theory considered atoms as indivisible.

What experiment did daltons use for his atomic theory?

dalton wasnt the one who experimented with gold, rutherford was the one who did the gold foil experiment.

How can an stm help improve daltons theory?

How can an STM help prove Daltons theory

What was one main point if daltons atomic theory?

ttha atoms made up pthe smallest forms of matter

Did postulate 4 of Daltons atomic theory holds true now?

This postulate is valid today only in some situations.

Why was daltons model accepted?

Dalton's atomic theory or model was accepted despite errors. This is because his theory provided a logical explanation of concepts and led the way to new experimentations.

If all four postulates of Daltons atomic theory are correct what would change about the boxes on the periodic table and Why?

If all four postulates of Dalton's atomic theory were correct, the boxes on the periodic table would not change. Dalton's theory helped establish the concept of elements as composed of atoms, leading to the organization of elements on the periodic table based on their atomic number and properties. The periodic table would still be structured according to the number of protons in the nucleus of each element's atom.