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Diarrhea and dysentery affected both the Union and the Confederacy greatly. Throughout the war, the Union reported 1,739,135 cases of either diarrhea or dysentery, of which 57,265 were casualties. This can be compared to the figure that 44,328 Union soldiers died in battle. Generally, at any given time, 25% of the army was stricken with one of the two conditions.

Records for the Confederacy are not quite as precise, but in the Confederate Army of the Potomac of 50,000 men, 36,572 cases were reported within the first 9 months of the war. At Chimborazo Hospital in Richmond, 10% of all dysentery or diarrhea cases resulted in death. Andersonville Prison in Georgia had up to 130 men die daily from one of the two disorders.

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Q: How did diarrhea affect the civil war during that time?
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