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Q: How did early herders and farmers use nartueral resources?
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How did early herders and farmers use natural resources?

They used grass and hay as food

Who WAS the first farmer and herders?

early man

Who are the khoi khoi herders?

they are the other early inhabitants of southern Africa

What were two of early west Africa's important mineral resources?

Two of early West Africa's important mineral resources are gold and salt mines it also became a source of great wealth.

Where did farmers live in medieval times?

Even up to the early 1900s, most of the people were farmers. In the middle ages, probably 95% of the population were farmers or herders. They lived in their small houses on the farm, generally living with their farm animals. (The climate in the middle ages was substantially cooler than it is now.)

Which group experienced an early depression in the 1920?

the farmers.

What did early farmers grow?

It depends on where these "early farmers" you're referring to are from, and how early you're asking about: Neolithic age or Early American Colonists.

What is a change early farmers to their environment?

One of the changes made by early farmers to their environment was deforestation.

What is a change early farmers made to their environments?

One of the changes made by early farmers to their environment was deforestation.

What is beliefs of early African farmers?

African farmers were atheists.

What are the difference in the way of life between early and modern humans?

Early humans were hunter-gatherers, relying on hunting and gathering for food. They lived in small, nomadic groups. Modern humans have settled in permanent communities, practice agriculture, and have more complex social structures. They also have access to technology that early humans did not, leading to significant advancements in various aspects of life.

Early farmers in the indus valley produced?

Early Farmers in the Indus Valley produced enough grain for themselves and others.