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Q: How did early sailors use portolan charts?
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What tools did the early explorers use?

Clearly, the most important navigational tool available to sailors before was the Stella Maris.

What map would a sailor use?

The Mercator projection is the standard for nautical navigation.

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Laurel and Hardy's adventure as sailors?

Laurel & Hardy were sailors in the silent film "Two Tars," in the early talkie "Men O'War," and in the feature "Our Relations," among others. In regard to the previous answer: Laurel & Hardy did buy and use a boat in the film "Saps at Sea," but they weren't sailors in the navy.

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bar charts and pie charts

Who are the explorer who use the help of the wind?

All of the early explorers used the wind. Sailors, ship captains, pirates, all used/use the wind to move forward toward a destination. Early maps included information about wind and currents.

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Scientists use data charts to organize their data and also their results

Why do pirates use spyglasses?

The same what sailors use as telescopes. The words are the same (Within reason). Sailors are not pirates.

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A. to direct airplanes on where to landB. to let trains now the path was clearC. to direct sailors away from the rocky shores

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