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Q: How did egyptians use screws to build pyramids?
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What did ancient egyptians use limstone for?

to build pyramids(and for something to write on).

Did the egyptians use cranes to build the pyramids?

No. They may have but no one knows for sure

What country was the first to use PI?

the ancient Egyptians used pi to build pyramids

What did egtptian use to make a pyramids?

Egyptians Used big bricks of limestone To build pyramids! These bricks weighed 1,000 Lbs

How did ancient Egyptians use the land?

they would cultivate the ground for farmland or to build cities and pyramids

How did the egyptians use incline planes to build pyramids?

they built a ramp up which the blocks were dragged to the working level.

How did Egyptians use geometry?

Egyptians used geometry to build all their large monuments, including the pyramids. They wrote down geometry problems on paper and solved them.

How did they use an inclined plane in ancient history?

The early Egyptians used inclined planes to move heavy stones for the pyramids.

How did ancient Egyptians use geomotry?


What did the Egyptians use pyramids for?

The Egyptians used pyramids as tombs for pharaohs and important individuals, believing that they provided a pathway to the afterlife for the deceased. The pyramids were filled with treasures and goods to accompany the dead in the afterlife, and they were also designed to protect the mummies of the pharaohs and ensure their immortality.

What did the Egyptians use to get to the top of the pyramids when building them?

A ramp.

Did Egyptians use Geometry?

yes for building pyramids