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Q: How did enlightenment ideals contribute to the creation of the American constitution?
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How did the ideas of the Enlightenment affect the American colonies and its people?

The grievances of American colonists reflected enlightenment ideas in that the American colonists refused to acknowledge that the monarchy was sovereign and the supreme law of the land. The colonists followed the enlightenment ideas that rights were natural and belonged to individuals at the moment of creation. This served as a basis of resistance to what the colonists believed to be tyranny and oppression.

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The American Revolution, the creation of the US Constitution to replace the Articles of Confederation, and the creation of the first political parties in America.

How was the European Enlightenment influential in the creation of American Democracy?

The Enlightenment was critical in creating an American democracy because of the influence it had on the way people thought. Prior to this period, most people relied on the Church to maintain order and to do the thinking. The Enlightenment encouraged thinking, philosophy, and new ways of viewing both religion and politics. This movement served as a gateway to change for America.

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Jefferson and Madison were the founding fathers that participated in the creation of the constitution.

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