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Q: How did enslaved Africans resist being captured?
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Was Hitler captured?

no, he commited suicide in the fear of being captured, but the nazi party still lives on.

What was the consequence of being a spy during the world war 1?

Generally, in wartime, spies know that if captured, spies of any nation in any war are likely to be shot. They are not often captured, however, and if captured are often not executed.

In a war the strategy of fighting to protect something or prevent being captured?

Counter offense is a strategy of fighting to protect something during a war. This type of strategy is also used to prevent being captured by overpowering the opponent from having the opportunity to create a new attack plan.

How were POWs captured in World War 2?

During WWII, there were many ways soldier's could become POW'S. One way was surrendering, when they lost the will to fight or were unable to fight. This happened a lot in the European Theater. But the Pacific Theater was tremendously different. The Japanese soldiers believed that they should fight to the death, which resulted in very few being captured. Most would commit suicide over being captured. A lot of the ones that were captured were knocked out by blasts from shells or from bullets. There is a famous instance on Okinawa when Hiromichi Yahara, a Japanese colonel was captured because at the time of his capture, he was posing as a civilian teacher. He tried to evade the enemy, but they caught on and got him.

What advantages and disadvantages might being non aligned have offered a developing nation during the cold war?

They were better able to resist political and economic interference from the United States and the Soviet Union.

Related questions

How did most Africans become enslaved?

most people became enslaved in African societies either through being captured during tribal warfare or , more often than people realise today, by being sold by their tribal cheifs to Arab or European slave traders for monetary profit.

What hardships did enslaved Africans face on their journey from the westey?

This is a confusing question. Try typing "What was it like to be a slave on the underground railroad" or "What was it like being an enslaved African being captured from Africa" Thank you, have a nice day.

Who suggested using enslaved africans as workers?

The Spanish people suggested using enslaved Africans as workers. The African people sold their own people to the Spanish so they are also responsible for suggestion if African being enslaved.

In which 3 ways did africans became slaves?

Africans became slaves through capture in raids and warfare, as well as through trade networks established by European colonizers and African chiefs. Additionally, some Africans were enslaved as punishment for crimes or as payment for debts within their own societies.

Why did southern planters chose to use enslaved Africans on their plantations?

Southern planters chose to use enslaved Africans on their plantations because they provided a cheap and abundant source of labor. Enslaved Africans were perceived as being able to withstand the harsh conditions of plantation work, and owning slaves was seen as a sign of social status and wealth in the antebellum South. Additionally, the transatlantic slave trade made it relatively easy for planters to acquire enslaved laborers.

Who are enslaved people?

Who is nobody but an enslaved African is a slave who usually works for no pay. The slaves sometimes worked for hour on end without breaks, some were even abused and they would always get beaten.

What were enslaved Africans forced to do?

Enslaved Africans were forced to work in plantations, mines, and domestic settings for their owners. They endured harsh conditions, violence, and exploitation while being denied basic human rights and freedoms. Their labor contributed significantly to the economy and infrastructure of the societies that enslaved them.

What 3 civilization conquered and enslaved Hebrews?

The three civilizations that conquered the Hebrews were: Egypt, Assyrians, and Chaldeans. The Hebrews went through a cycle of being captured, enslaved, and freed.

How did an african become a slave?

Africans became slaves through various means, such as being captured in wars, being kidnapped, or being sold by other Africans. European colonizers played a significant role in the transatlantic slave trade by forcibly enslaving Africans and transporting them to the Americas to work on plantations.

According to the writer what did enslaved Africans look upon with horror?

Enslaved Africans looked upon the branding iron with horror, as it symbolized the dehumanizing process of being marked as property by their captors. This physical act reinforced their status as objects to be owned and traded, rather than as human beings with dignity and autonomy.

In the poem Africa why are African's look down upon?

The poem "Africa" by David Diop explores the historical experiences of Africans being colonized and enslaved by European powers, leading to the belief that Africans were inferior. This perception of being looked down upon is rooted in the long history of oppression and racism that Africans have faced.

What was kunta kinte slave name?

Kunta Kinte was given the slave name "Toby" after being captured and enslaved in the United States.