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Heya . . . X

Omg like i dont know the answer!


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Q: How did eroupean colonization of the Americans affect the Atlantic slave trade?
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How did colonization affect the trade and economy of Europe?

The Native Americans gave the Europeans new items to keep, and they sent those to Europe, while Europe sent goods to the Americas to give to the Native Americans.

How might colonization affect a region?

It increased ethnic tensions in Africa. It created diversity in African nations It created many unstable governments.

How does colonization continue to affect the Caribbean today?

Colonization continues to affect the Caribbean today in various ways. The country does not experience its sovereignty and cannot make independent decision which affects the development of the country.

How does the Atlantic world affect us today?

The Atlantic is an ocean not a world.

How did the arrival of europeans affect the native americans in mexico?

The arrival of the Europeans did not affect the native americans in Mexico.

How did topography and climate affect the history of Africa?

European colonization of central Africa was delayed.

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Mexico allowed more land for the people

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The British colonization affected the people of Uganda in a significant manner. Most of the habits that are practiced today in Uganda like education are borrowed from the Britons.

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