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they built irrigation systems to bring water to the formland

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they built windmills and plows

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Q: How did farmers adopt to dry lands?
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Why did the farmers who settled in the panhandle and west Texas need to adopt dry farming methods?

Because it is dry country- little rainfall.

Why do they live in dry lands?

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Does hurricanes happen in dry lands or wet lands?

Hurricanes can occur in both dry and wet lands.

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How do farmers modify their lands to help bring water to dry areas?

Farmers can modify their land by implementing water-harvesting techniques such as digging swales or ponds to capture and store rainfall, creating terraces to prevent soil erosion and retain moisture, and planting cover crops to improve soil structure and water infiltration. These methods help slow water flow, increase water retention in the soil, and improve overall water availability in dry areas.

What affect did the enclosure movement have on farmers?

The enclosure movement had diverse effects on farmers. The rural proletarians were kicked out the rural lands which resulted to few farmers owning large lands and this result to poverty and homelessness.

How did farmers adopt toforests?

they cleared the forests to make room for farmland

What measures were enacted during the roosevelt administration to provide irrigation for dry lands-?

What measures were enacted during the Roosevelt administration to provide irrigation for dry lands?

How did farmers adopt to hillsides?

they built terraces to make level ground to farm

What are rural Egyptian farmers called?

Egyptian farmers are called Fellaheen, which is the Arabic word for farmer. Most Egyptian farmers grow wheat or barley on their lands.

What did farmers wanted from the government?

1790, American farmers wanted fair tax laws and the right to settle western lands.

Which scenario describes voluntary migration?

A group of farmers leave their homes to search for more fertile lands elsewhere.