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Ineffectually. Studies have shown that tobacco at levels that are low enough not to kill the horse will also not kill the parasites.

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Q: How did farmers use tabbaco to deworm horses?
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What did farmers use before tractors in wheat farming?

Horses and oxen.

What will happen if you deworm a horse every month?

In adult horses, you will be wasting money and helping to build parasite resistance to the drug you are using. In foals, you may need to deworm monthly but you have to be sure to use an appropriate drug each time rather than using a single drug.

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What did farmers use back then when they didn't have tractors?

Before tractors farmers used horses, mules, and oxen to till the fields.

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No, carrots will not deworm a goat. You need to use an appropriate deworming drug. Goat owners should contact their veterinarians for advice on deworming.

What did farmers use before tractors were invented?

They had to find thing the old fashion way.

Did they use horses in Pompeii?

I'm not sure if there is evidence, but the Romans had farmers, and carts that needed horses to operate, so they almost certainly had horses. Some people might have kept there horses on their farms for chariot racing in other towns as well.

Why were ploughs created?

to help make farming easier. farmers use to use a stick and their own strength. but then the plough was invented. then farmers could hook up a pair of oxen or horses to the plough and start their farming. the plough makes things a lot easier. but now we have tractors to do all that work

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