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they planted and raised their own food to survive.

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Q: How did farming make civilization possible?
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What are the five elements that make a civilization?

farming; ranching; specialization of labor; government; permanent dwellings

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In the Aztec civilization chinampas were used for what?

Chinampas were artificial islands created in lakes to use as fertile land for agriculture in the Aztec civilization. They were used for growing crops such as maize, beans, and squash, and played a crucial role in providing food for the population.

How did farming lead to a bigger civilization?

Farming Surplus of food Population grew Formed a government Social classes formed Cities and towns Civilization!

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Farming, civilization, and human zoo's ;)

Which civilization had terrace farming and a road system?

The Inca civilization, located in present-day Peru, had terrace farming on steep mountainsides to maximize agricultural output. They also built an extensive road system known as the Inca Road, spanning thousands of miles across their empire to facilitate communication and trade.

How did the development of farming contribute to the rise of civilization?

The development of farming enabled people to settle in one place, leading to the establishment of permanent settlements and the accumulation of surplus food. This surplus allowed for population growth, specialization of labor, establishment of social structures, and the development of complex societies that eventually led to the rise of civilization.

How does farming and domestication of plants lead to a civilization?

The transition from hunting and gathering to farming allowed for a more reliable food source, which led to settled communities, surplus production, and specialization of labor. Domestication of plants enabled the development of agriculture, which supported larger populations and the growth of complex societies, leading to the rise of civilizations.

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How did the Mayas and Aztecs fit the definition civilization?

they learn about farming

Which civilization mastered seafaring?

Sumer mastered sea farming

How did the Mayas and Aztecs fit the definition of civilization?

The Mayas and Aztecs were advanced civilizations that had organized societies with complex social structures, political systems, religious beliefs, and technological advancements. They also had developed writing systems, agricultural practices, trade networks, and monumental architecture, all characteristics that are commonly associated with civilization.