

How did federation happen?

Updated: 8/16/2019
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Q: How did federation happen?
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Federation II happened in 2003.

What year did the centenary of federation happen?

i think centenary of federation began in Australia in 1901

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Beijing Workers' Autonomous Federation happened in 1989.

What does federation symbolise?

Basically, federation symbolizes the coming together of one nation under a single government. This can sometimes happen as a result of war, or can sometimes result in war. x

Why did federation happen?

To allow free trade between the 6 colonies of Australia and also for defence

How did federation happen in Australia?

The Australian Federation occurred when the six British colonies united as one nation in 1901 to improve Australia's defence, communication, transportation, economy and trade.

What would happen if we didn't have federation?

Many countries, states and organisations do not belong to a federation or union. It is not an essential part of governance or management. However, the answers to such "what if", type questions have to be opinions and therefore it would depend on who you ask.

What do you suppose might have happened if European leaders have not bailed out Greece?

What will happen would have happened (to all European countries:become a federation).

What is a sentence for federation?

The federation army is approaching fast.By the order of the federation, you are under arrest.The writer's federation isn't what it used to be.

What would be different in Australia if federation didn't happen?

we would be living under huts and have hardly any money to have and we would be in raggy clothes

What is federation of cooperative?

* federation is a group of partys

What are two type of federation?

1. coming together federation 2.holding together federation