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George prepares Lennie by making him think of the land 'with the rabbits' that they are going to buy and makes him picture it so he will be distracted when George shoots him.

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George protected Lennie by looking out for his well-being, providing guidance, and making sure he stayed safe from harm. He always tried to keep Lennie out of trouble and tried to create a safe and stable environment for him.

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Why george give his new boss to Lennie?

George gave Lennie to his new boss because they travel and work together as a team, with George looking out for Lennie who has mental disabilities and needs guidance to stay safe and out of trouble. Keeping Lennie by his side allows George to protect him and ensure he is cared for.

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The men think Lennie is armed because George tells them that Lennie has a gun. George lies in order to protect Lennie from the other ranch workers who are looking to harm him for accidentally killing Curley's wife.

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How can you tell that George feels responsible for Lennie?

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Why George and attempts to explain to theboss why he travel with Lennie?

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What makes the men think Lennie is armed?

The men think Lennie is armed because George tells them that Lennie has a gun. George does this to create the illusion of danger in order to protect Lennie from the other men on the farm who may want to harm him.

What did George do when he found out Lennie killed his dog?

George was upset when he found out that Lennie killed his dog, but he understood that Lennie didn't mean to harm the animal. However, George was concerned about Lennie's lack of control and the potential danger he posed, leading him to make a difficult decision regarding Lennie's future.

What potential problems might arise for george and Lennie in of mice and men?

George and Lennie face challenges such as discrimination due to their itinerant lifestyle and Lennie's intellectual disability. Lennie's strength and inability to control his actions can also lead to dangerous situations that put their dream of owning a farm in jeopardy. Additionally, George's responsibility to protect Lennie puts a strain on their relationship and his own mental well-being.

Why does George and Lennie travel together?

George and Lennie travel together because they have a close friendship and rely on each other for companionship, protection, and support. Lennie relies on George for guidance and George sees Lennie as a friend to take care of and protect. Their partnership allows them to navigate the challenges of the tough world they live in together.

How did george kill Lennie in the novel of mice and men?

George shot Lennie in the back of the head to spare him from a more brutal death at the hands of a vengeful mob. It was a difficult decision for George, who wanted to prevent Lennie from suffering and to protect him from further harm.